Let's just say that Potchefstroom is not a bustling city with a ton to do (http://www.tourismnorthwest.co.za/southern/potchefstroom.html). I would compare it to Galway, Ireland in size but as for things to do Galway wins out. From what I understand, with all the students out of school for 6 weeks this place is even more dead than normal. I will have to reevaluate my opinion once the students are back in school.
North-West Universtiy campus takes up a good portion of the city. It is a large, flat (thank goodness) campus, with about 10,000 students. The buildings (see pics) are not spread out but it takes about 15 minutes to get from one side to another (sort of like UC's campus). The entire campus is surrounded by a gate and there are several entrances that you can use but since school is out only two of them are open. The only way in or out of the campus is by using a key card. I am located at the main entrance but my office is about a 10 minute walk from my house (see pics).
The buildings on campus are a mix of old and new but it is hard to tell since they all look alike; yet, the insulation of all buildings is not good so at least in my building, Education Sciences (http://www.puk.ac.za/fakulteite/opvoed/nfa/about_e.html), it is colder inside than out! The Education Sciences building houses three different departments, one on each floor, and Curriculum and Instruction is the on the 3rd floor, which is where I am located. The website of the university show that during the spring and summer the campus is green with tons of flowers but at the moment things are still green but with brown mixed in. Also, everything on the campus is written in Afrikaans (which I have some issues with for educational and equality) and everyone speaks it (and some English) so at points I have to guess what people say or where I am headed. I Nonetheless, I happen to like the charm of the campus and the many green spaces that are available. I have uploaded a couple pictures so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
As for the weather, we are on opposite seasons from the U.S. so it is cold here (if I haven't mentioned that enough already). Yet, I must preface that I knew it would be winter when I came so to be cold is not surprising. However, what is, is that Potch is above sea level (260 41.9’ S, 270 05.6’ E, altitude 1351 m.a.s.l.,atmospheric pressure 652 mm) and therefore it altitude ridden and the cold is a rather dry one. The house that I am staying in is old and the insulation is non-existant and the heating system is less than stellar. I will admit it is cold when I get up in the morning but as the day goes on it becomes much warmer and more pleasant. But as soon as that sun goes down it gets very, very cold! I am just thankful we have electricity and running water (I wouldn't be here if that was the case)!