Prepping |
Braai time |

A couple weeks ago we decided as a house, to have a celebration and goodbye braai this past Saturday. Henry's birthday was on Tuesday (he turned 22 and we baked him a cake . . . not my best work ever) and then Noelia and I are leaving soon so we thought we would put it all together in one celebration. We went as a house to Spar (the grocery store) on Saturday to buy the things we needed and each and everyone was in charge of some aspect of the braai. Noelia and I were in charge of the starch (pop and sauce- corn meal and sauce) as well as the vegetables (not shocking there), Frieda was in charge of the pasta salad and the braai, Henry and Pekka did the guacamole dip and a salad and Matthew just showed up. As for the meat, (because it is not a braai without tons of meat) everyone was in charge of their own (I had lamb and beef sausage). Since a braai is suppossed to take awhile Frieda started the fire at 1 and we were ready to grill by 2:30 (much faster pace so a bit shorter than the traditional South African one). There was tons of delicious food, the drinks were flowing, and we had a great time (we were all passed out by 10:30)!
Frieda, Henry, and Matthew working
to make sure the braai fire was good |
Me and the tiger cub |

On Sunday, Noelia, Matthew and I decided to rent a car and head up to Rustenberg to see some lion cubs as well as whatever else we could find. We left at 7:45 and were at Sundown Lion Park (http://www.sundownlionpark.com/) by 9:30. The park is nothing special and is located near Pilanesburg where we were last weekend for our game drive. The Lion Park's main purpose is for research and conservation. There are three young cubs that you can play with and pet. One is 5 months and then there is a brother and sister who are 7 months old. We were led into their cage and allowed to pet them. They were so cute that you forget they are dangerous animals. I ended up playing with the 5 month old and all he wanted to do was bite so he went for my knee and clawded me (see pic). It did not hurt that much but I was not about to play with him again (it appears even wild cats do not like me)! The handlers/ researchers ended up letting them out of the cage (which made them so happy) and three cubs were able to run around the grounds of the park (pretty crazy to be there when they did that). There was another cage with 6 other lions but they were too old, too naughty, and too unsafe to play with (8-9 months), so they were not allowed out. The handlers let them out once a week when they feed them because a cow leg is the only reason they will come back into the cage! The park also has full-grown lions around the park as well but they are not as cute and you obviously cannot play with them!
The three cubs, brother and sister in the back
(7months) and the 5month old in the front |
Some fun lion facts:
- The more often you feed them the more often they reproduce so these lions are fed once a week
- Each time a lioness gives birth, they have between 2 and 4 cubs (gestation is 3 months)
- Lions learn how to hunt in groups but learning to kill is an individual trait
- Lioness are better at hunting and killing then their male counterparts
- The males are separated from the females as soon as they turn 2 to make sure they do not interbreed
- Lions spend more time asleep than almost any other animal
Rustenberg from atop the mountain |
The traveling family car |
After the lion park, we decided to explore Rusetenberg (which is not exciting but was one of the host cities for the World Cup). We first tried to find somewhere for lunch but we got lost and randomly stopped at Information center. It just so happens that they serve breakfast and lunch. There were three Uruguayan guys that worked there and they tlaked us into staying (and were really excied to meet and speak with Noelia). The three guys (father and two sons) have been traveling around the world (http://blog.the3rdrock.com/2010/05/26/uruguay-por-el-mundo/) in this crazy car (see picture) for almost 3 years. They are currently in South Africa because they wanted to make sure they saw the all the Uruguayan games during the World Cup (they said they traveled around ZA then any other country)and now are toward the end of their trip and headed to Argentina (their last stop) in a few weeks before heading home (http://www.uruguayporelmundo.com/). I thought it was pretty cool what they were doing and impressive as well.
The path to the right |
So African looking |
We left the eatery and were told that there was a nature researve down the road with some hiking trails and some wildlife. Kgaswane Mountain Reserve is small but we decided to explore it for its trails and good views. The reserve is situated on the other side of a mountain so we drove up the mountain and had a great view of the city. The city is not a beautiful one (very industrial) but vast and you can see for miles when it is clear. We conitnued onto the trails and the driving path through the reserve. The trail was misleading nad part of the way in there was a rope that said not to pass through but we did anyway. However, we did not get far because we realized once we walked down the side of the mountain we would have to make our way back up and there was not enough time for that! We got back in the car and explored the loop through the park and we headed to a shop for snacks . . . back to Potch we went. It was not an easy trip back because the signs were sparse and hard to find at times (for example one was hidden in the brush) so we found ourselves frustrated! But we made it back to Potch just as hte sun was setting over the vast North West District desert and it was gorgeous!
Sunset outside of Potch |
Springbok |
Another excellent and tiring weekend! I am finishing up my interviews this week and should have about 20 all together at the end. No more big trips planned (maybe a day trip or two) but I leave a week from Thursday so my time in South Africa is drawing near! Crazy how time flies.
Henry's new favorite beer |
Just in case I forgot he was a predator . . .
look at those teeth! |
Pekka our vegetarian
(who isn't while being in ZA) |
Our attempt at pap (corn meal)
Noelia and one of the cubs (he likes her) |
So cute! |
One of the handlers playing with one of the cubs
Matthew, the scientist, looking
at the mounds made by termites |
Not sure I wanted to take a trail
that has interpretive in the name |
The 8 and 9 month old cubs, three were born at Sundown and 3 were brought in from another park. They don't get to play outside because they won't come back in unless there is food (a cow leg or two) |
Sunset over the North West Province desert |
All these South African meat parties sound like so much fun! And wow, I can't believe you got to play with lion cubs - totally crazy!!